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Age 29, Male


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MAE/Ironic flu

Posted by flamingninja777 - January 12th, 2008

MAE stands for one thing...AND ONE THING ONLY! Mothers against EVERYTHING!. And what a true statement that is. There are two different types of mothers in this world and they are as follows:

Moms: The cool laid back woman who pushed you out without care, lets her kids go to sweet parties, Eat alot of unhealthy stuff and not sleep. You want to be related to her. (My mom is like this XD)

Mothers: The bitchy evil women who from birth made it her duty to singlehandedly make your's and the people around you life, terrible. They bitch about the slightest disruption, always (no matter how popular you are) end up phoning someone and complaining about how "You/your child is making my childs life terrible, Do something about it, bitchbitchbitch", and sometimes will go out and PROTEST to TV stations and make them do things. Pray to god you never meet this person

I have here a testimonial from a head representative (Stuck up bitch) of MAE:

Me: "So, what do you plan to do to make the world better for your child?
Bitch: "I am going to go protest at that building because it's name has a near-derogatory term on it"
Me "Wait you mean FCUK?"
Bitch "Yes! If my child (Who happens to be 15) sees that he could start swearing!
Me: "But it stands for French Commercial United Kingdom...Its a clothing line.
Bitch: "I know that! I'm also going to protest against Dickies for derogatory terms and microsoft for X-box live having people that my child doesn't know on it!"
Me: "Uhh thats a bit- I mean Representative from MAE...Thanks for the interview...?

As you can see they are ruining everything for everyone, for EVER! Here is a testimonial from a 16 year old Boy, who is the leader of AAM (Anarchist's against mothers)

Me: "So what is your purpose here
Punk: "Uhh, I'm here to like, fight the bitches and uhh, y'know like, do stuff"
Me: " I'm not sure our viewers understand (I mean me)
Punk: "We wanna like, make moms stop bitching about everything and making life suck and stuff...So like were gonna throw an awesome party and like, drink alot and not go to sleep and stuff."
Me: "Ok, I'll leave it at that. Thanks for your time!"

What i'm trying to say is mothers seriously need to let their kids have more freedom, and not suffocate them with bitchiness and protest-ocity, they need to pay attention to the kids themselves and not to the things around them.

Anyway, thats all i have left to say about that matter, and now onto Irony

I was thrashing about in my bed a few nights ago (Sex jokes aside) Thinking about the day and how I REALLY didn't want to go to school tomorrow, so I decided to fake sickness the next day.

I woke up at 5:30 AM And realized I Really felt like puking, So I ran to the bathroom, And started...I thought about the situation briefly and was sort of laughing, but that was rather hard to do at the same time as horking pie up.

After puking I got back into bed, and didn't sleep, I got up and puked...This went on for 2 days, and came to...diarrhea...Yay for ass-puking.

Anyway the moral of the story is: Be happy with your health or prepare for hell.

MAE/Ironic flu


o_o lol