View Profile flamingninja777
Not getting anything done

Age 29, Male


West Van Secondary


Joined on 1/4/07

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I figured I'd leave this here aswell as general for anyone who clicks my name.

Newgrounds is filled with sinners, I don't mean in a church sense, but in the sense that we have forgotten basic human forethought and compassion. Through the internet it is obscenly easy to lie as there is a virtual wall blocking you from the reader(s), it is so easy to say someting absolutely false here, just so people do not think less of you. Today I am writing this to tell Newgrounds, what I deem as my own acceptable behaviour on this website, as I feel we have lost individuality(Assuming we had it in the first place), and forgotten that really, who the hell cares if a bunch of people thousands of miles away from you read something, and think you are less than them. People who do this blatantly are most likely just unsure about themselves, you shouldn't need to insult people over the internet to complete your day, it simply isn't neccasary... So, without further adieu I present to you: My oath to Newgrounds.

1) I will not go out of my way to insult someone, unless they are deserving of reprimand
2) I will make jokes that only I feel are funny
3) I will not accept that I am incorrect unless I am given credible evidence, regardless of opposition
4) I will attempt to converse with members of the site that I have never heard of or met
5) I will not be embarrased to post a photo of myself, we all look different
6) I will not type "Tl;DR" when someone has worked hard on a long piece of writing
7) I will use proper grammar(Or at least paragraphing, capitalization and spelling. I'm not too good at parts of punctuation)
8) I will not disrespect an administrator of the site other than jokingly, how much of this site have 90% of the user base contributed to
9) I will stand up for rules in which I feel are unfair untill I am banned
10) I will not be afraid of being banned any less than permanently
11) I will attempt to solve a problem of a user in which has been posted
12) I will not lie about my age, popularity, wealth etc. It doesn't matter, anything could happen any time
13) I will not postwhore, post count is meaningless
14) I will know when I am defeated in an argument, and admit it
15) I will not support hate groups, spammers, hackers, or anyone attempting to compromise the wellbeing of the community
16) I will try to post at least once ever 30 in a forum other than general
17) I will not photoshop pictures with MS paint, that isn't PHOTOSHOP
18) I will admit if I am under the influence of something while typing, Consequently I am high on Concerta at the time of writing
19) I will not find loopholes in rules and attempt to exploit them, Mods are real people, who have logic
20) I will respond to any message that I recieve, Assuming it can be responded to
21) I will not jump on a bandwagon that I do not support, once again, looking cool on the internet = meaningless
22) I will be trustworthy of the members of Newgrounds, and expect their trust aswell

Although I cannot guarantee these rules will not be broken once in a blue moon, I will try my best to abide by them and be a productive member of our society. We all spend time here and interact with other people, and we all have the power to influence, use your's positively and be a decent person, there are many people (Sometimes myself) who have thought deeply about something they have read here, directed at them or not.

Say what you will about what I have written here today, but the fact remains you will not make yourself look powerful by demeaning my post and thoughts. Share your thoughts once in a while, feel free to get passionate about a post that gets to you, it can be difficuilt to be yourself in real life, so why limit your personality here? Take confidence in compliments you recieve, if you are insulted tell yourself those words have no power. Newgrounds is supposed to be an enjoyable place, in which one may socialize freely, speak your mind, and contribute to our society.

: End question: Got any rules to add to that list?